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TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

Grand prize - iaplc 2003
Hidemasa Okuda - Japan

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

Rank 2 - iaplc 2003
Giussepe Landieri - Italy

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

Rank 3 - iaplc 2003
Kazunori Mitsuda - Japan

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

Rank 4 - iaplc 2003
Herbert Franzbacker - Germany

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

Rank 5 - iaplc 2003
Junichi Hanaoka - Japan

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

Rank 6 - iaplc 2003
Chin Huang Ren -Taiwan

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

Rank 7 - iaplc 2003
Tsuyoshi Nakamura - Japan

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

Rank 8 - iaplc 2003
Atsushi Tsugita -Japan

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

Rank 9 - iaplc 2003
Bartlomiej Lipczynski -

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

Rank 10 - iaplc 2003
Kenneth Cheng - USA

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

TOP 27 IAPLC 2003 - Look back history

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