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Although various types of works are entered to the contest, a quite few classic style layouts are seen among those works. One of the classic styles is Brazilian style, and this particular work came from the Brazilian style. It is basically Iwagumi with cosmetic sand and colorful stem plants, and a beautiful cluster of stem plants is incor- porated well in the layout expression with the neatly trimmed line. Moreover, the reflections on the glass surfaces on both sides are well-thought out, and by taking pictures with a wide angle lens, the effect is enhanced. This type of creative technique works well because works are evaluated from pictures in this contest. A judge from Brazil, Mr. Andre Longarco highly evaluated this work, and here is his evaluation comment below.

IAPLC 2020 Gallery - Look back history - World Ranking 0007 - Bronze Prize

Whispering Shadows

Author: Luis Carlos Galarraga / Brazil

Aquarium Size/W120×D60×H45(cm)

Aquatic Plants

Rotala sp. 'Nanjenshan'

Rotala sp. Hra

Limnophila sp 'Vietnam'

Hygrophila pinnatifida

Hygrophila sp. 'Araguaya Sharp Leaf

Hygrophila sp. 'Tiger'

Eleocharis minima

Micranthemum sp. 'Monte Carlo

Hemianthus calitrichoides 'Cuba'

Bucephalandra sp.

Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov'

Anubias barteri var.nana 'Pangolino'

Marsilea angustifolia

Marsilea hirsute

Taxiphyllum sp.

Vesicularia montagnei

Fissidens fontanus

Riccardia chamedryfolia

Utricularia graminifolia

Staurogyne repens

Blyxa japonica

Pogostemon helferi

Fish & Invertebrates

Paracheirodon simulans

Hyphessobrycon elachys

Nannostomus marginatus

Tucanoichthys tucano


World Ranking 0007 Bronze Prize IAPLC 2020

Best of Show & 1st Place AGA 2020, Aquatic Garden > 320L


This was a special year. For the first time, we received the long-awaited results through a live broadcast on YouTube. It was a long and distressing wait for the arrival of August 29th. The big event was scheduled for 8 PM in Japan, 8 AM here in Brazil, so we agreed with some friends to have breakfast together, and then watch the event at our Studio Aquabase. The long-awaited moment has finally arrived. The broadcast started on time, and we all started to hope for a good place among the 127 best in the world! With each aquarium released, we vibrated because it represented a higher position for us! When they announced the 28th place, many of us had a great hope of being among the top 27, the great dream of every aquascaper who partici- pates in the IAPLC. Eighth place was announced, and I had not yet been called. My heart was pounding in my chest. The dream of being in the top 7 once again could come true in such a special year, on the 20th anniversary of the IAPLC! Then, the first bronze prize was announced, and I heard the name of my work: "Whispering Shadows by Luis Carlos Galarraga, from Brazil! A big dream came true!

Comment of Mr. André Longarço (Brazil)

This aquarium is undoubtedly the biggest representative of the Nature Aquarium style in this edition of the contest. It fuses poetry, technique and beauty in such an intense and harmonic way that they can only be found with this magnitude in Nature environment itself. Starting with the title, that perfectly expresses the feeling of the work. It is possible to see, hear and mainly feel the whisper of the shadows through the grooves of the rocks that have been delicately and patiently sculpted by the touch of time. The delicate and harmonious colors of the plants were very well chosen and applied, in an almost perfect position throughout the aquarium, creating attention and, why not say, tension in the desired places. They invite our eyes to walk through the entire aquarium searching for details and points of attention. The work of reflexes, especially on the sides, is exquisite and the delicacy with which the surface tension of the water is broken corroborates even more with the poetry of the work. The detail and the concern with all the various planes of the work are evident and especially the frontal plan was very well worked with smooth and not obvious contours. The hardscape's hardness, power and aggressiveness were summarily tamed by the delicacy of the plants and the contrasts of light and dark that delicately sculpted the flow of life in this work. In conclusion, it is not a fake job, done only for a contest it is true, and represents in its extension all the technique and under- standing of the author in contemplating Nature and especially the importance of Nature in the life of the human being. Congratulations, jobs like this make our lives better.

Comment of Kris Weinhold

The lines in this scape are really nice and create a great sense of depth. The colors are brilliant without going too far over the edge. Nice work!

Comment of Andre Longarco

Outstanding job!!! Starting with the title that perfectly expresses the feeling of the work. It is possible to see hear and mainly feel the whisper of the shadows through the grooves of the rocks that have been delicately and patiently sculpted by the touch of time.
The delicate and harmonious colors of the plants were very well chosen and applied in an almost perfect position throughout the aquarium creating attention and why not say tension in the desired places. They invite our eyes to walk through the entire aquarium searching for details and points of attention.
The work of reflections especially on the sides is exquisite and the delicacy with which the surface tension of the water is broken corroborates even more with the poetry of the work.
The hardscape's hardness power and aggressiveness were summarily tamed by the delicacy of the plants and the contrasts of light and dark that delicately sculpted the flow of life in this work.
In conclusion it is not a fake job done only for a contest ... it is true and represents in its extension all the technique and understanding of the author in contemplating Nature and especially the importance of Nature in the life of the human being.

Congratulations jobs like this make our lives better.

Comment of Juan Puchades

This aquarium is a masterpiece. It combines the power of its structure with magical lines that allow us to feel the flow. Despite its impact and speed the plant is the protagonist at all times and takes this aquarium to the highest levels. In my opinion an aquarium that can be considered a candidate for "Best of show".

Comment of Karen Randall

Just stunning

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