It’s time to help contribute for biggest aquarium gallery online


"Revolve Plus" by Mr. Eakthanat Isarathikul from Thailand won the Silver Prize and is ranked No.4 in the world rankings, scoring a total of 1,236 points. 5 out of 10 judges selected this work as one of their individual top 10 works. The carefully crafted work is absolutely spec- tacular. Although many pieces of driftwood are used extensively, its impression is not overwhelming. When looking at the work, as the creator intended, the line of sight is guided to the back of the aquascape and drawn into the aquascape. Although works with layout compositions having swirling designs with driftwood and stones are seen every year in IAPLC, many of them look bizarre and unnatural. However, this work doesn't have such an impression, and it is great that the layout is composed in a natural way. Micranthemum sp. 'Monte Carlo' that grows like hanging down is also seen often in the contest, and it is effectively used in this work as well, and by covering the driftwood, it plays a role in softening the impression of the drift- wood. In other words, although it does not have high originality in the layout composition and expression, the creator was able to put those ordinary expressions nicely together as his own aquascape. Consequently, the aquascape expression is orthodox and simple, but it resulted in the high score for this particular work because the work received high evaluations on average from the judges without being greatly influenced by the judges' individual taste.

IAPLC 2021 World Ranking Announcement - World Ranking 0004 - Silver Prize

Revolve Plus 

Steps progression IAPLC 2021 Rank 04 - Revolve pluse - Eakthanat Isarathikul / Thailand

Author: Eakthanat Isarathikul / Thailand

Aquarium Size/W120 × D60 × H50(cm)

Aquatic Plants

Riccardia chamedryfolia "Coral Moss"

Micranthemum sp. "Monte Carlo"

Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba"

Bucephalandra sp. Godzilla

Rotala mexicana

Bucephalandra moss

Hygrophila pinnatifida

Rotala sp. shimoga

Hydrocotyle tripartita

Bolbitis Heudelotii

Anubias var. nana "Petite"

Taxiphyllum sp. "Flame Moss"

Juncus repens

Eleocharis acicularis

Limnophila sp. "Mini"

Limnophila aromatica

Vesicularia montagnei

Pogostemon erectus

Fish & Invertebrates

Rainbow Fish (Short Body)


World Ranking 0004 Silver Prize IAPLC 2021

3rd place AGA 2021 - Aquatic Garden, > 320L


First, I would like to thank ADA for creating this great competition, IAPLC. This competition is the biggest and the hardest aquatic plants contest in the world. I believe that many people want to win this competi- tion. Although in the past competition, my ranking was not quite good. But I have been trying to practice and continue my work all the time for several years. And finally, my attempt was successful this year. I must thank ADA for always organizing such a good tournament. This competition is the competition that people around the world want to reach to the top. I am very grateful because this is the highest achieve- ment of my life. Thank you

Comment of Mr André Longarco

Great movement and dynamic hardscape!!! What a nice green forest. This scenery reminds me of the Fukushima forest in Japan where mosses and underbrush vegetation cover the entire surface of the forest from the ground passing through fallen trunks to the tops of some trees.
This layout transmits the same feeling a little dark a little mystery but undeniably beautiful.
Perspective proportion and natural atmosphere are amazing the tank looks much bigger than it really is but the point that definitely doesn't match with the rest of the layout is the foreground.
Unfortunately the work with mosses in the rocks definitely was not well executed. The unnatural appearance of these rocks fights against the rest of the super-natural layout. The gravel without detail only white sand helps to increase even more this feeling.
Even so an amazing job.

Comment of Mr Dave Chow

I like the way the focal point was created and the level of detail.

Comment of Mr Marvin Lo

A very dynamic scape with the large wood in front contrasting the smaller pieces in back. The selection of plants is excellent and use of color to bring out the details and draw my eye in is very well done. I wish there was more thought put into the stones in the foreground. They feel like an afterthought compared to the rest of tank.

Keep up the good work!

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