Mr. Takayuki Fukada comes 2nd (Gold prize) in the World Rankings with his "Tankei." This year's top two aquascapers are the winners of past contests, as Mr. Fukada has won the IAPLC competition twice, in 2015 and 2016. They both create their aquascapes with sincerity, showcasing their own interpretations of layout making. "Tankei" was awarded with the Best Aquarium by Mr. Sergei Kochetov (Russia), and you can read his comments below.
IAPLC 2019 Gallery - Look back history - World Ranking 0002 - Gold Prize
Author: Takayuki Fukada / Japan
Aquarium Size/W120×D60×H55 (cm)
Aquatic Plants
Bucephalandra sp. 'Belindae'
Bucephalandra sp. Biblis 'Sky blue'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Brown sugar'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Cherish'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Chili pepper'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Flora'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Godzilla'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Grappa'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Kedagang purple'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Kedagang round'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Lamandau mini purple'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Little red stars'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Mini coin'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Mini dark needle'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Neo Amanda'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Raven'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Red blade'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Sexy pink'
Micranthemum sp. Monte Carlo
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Rotala sp.Hra
Ludwigia arcuata
Riccardia chamedryfolia
Fissidens Fontanus
Fish & Invertebrates
Hemigrammus armstongi
Ancistrus cf. cirrhosis
Crossocheilus oblongus
Otocinclus sp.
Caridina multidentata
World Ranking 0002 Gold Prize IAPLC 2019
Every time I receive IAPLC's result notice, I oddly get nervous. This year's contest is exactly my 10th entry. This feeling never changes no matter how many times I participate in the contest. In Japan, children receive their report cards from school right before they start their summer break after the rainy season. For us, the IAPLC participants, the contest result notices that we receive around the same time could be the report cards. While I feel a little embarrassed for being nervous about opening the report card as an adult, I felt mostly relieved first rather than happy when the ranking number caught my eyes. Thankfully, I received so many expectations like "What kind of layout did you create this year? I'm looking forward to seeing your work." from many of my friends from both within and outside of Japan. My body felt light with the feeling of relief because I thought I could probably have met those expectations even a little. Regardless of the experiences or the age, if thinking about all the participants feeling nervous when opening their report cards for adults every year, it might sound a bit funny. But it is a very precious experience for me which I can't really experience anywhere else. I would love to keep enjoying it as much as possible.
Comment of Mr. Sergei M. Kochetov (Russia)
As always, the choice of the Best Aquarium for the Grand Prix took place in two stages. First, among the 127 works sent, I chose a group of about 30 best at first glance, then among them, I con- ducted a thorough assessment. As a result, I selected "Tankei" as the Best Aquarium. Of course, the theme of the river banks washed away by the current is not new in IAPLC, but being embodied in a relatively narrow aquarium with a length of 120 cm looked perfect. Moderate asymmetry emphasizes the overall spatial perspective, as if going into depth. The steep walls of the banks partially covered with water moss enhance the overall calming impression of the nature of wildlife. The whole picture seems neat and well-groomed. Plants are chosen correctly and enhance the impression of soft natu- ralness and breadth of space in the tank. A shoal of fish photo- graphed at the right time and gives all the necessary dynamics to the aquascape.
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