It’s time to help contribute for biggest aquarium gallery online


The 7th place (Bronze Prize) in the world ranking was awarded to "Home" by Mr.Jin Liang from China. This layout is a highly techni- cal piece that combines a composition that gives depth with an arched structure. Although judges' reviews are split on the account of being too artificial, Mr. Ozaki (Japan) chose this layout as the Best Aquarium. As his comment indicates, it is a type of layout that stirs up viewers' imagination.

IAPLC 2018 Gallery - Look back history - World Ranking 0007 - Bronze Prize


Author: Jin Liang / China

Aquarium Size/W120×D50×H50(cm)

Aquatic Plants

Bolbitis heudelotii

Riccardia chamedryfolia

Vesicularia ferriei

Vesicularia sp.


Anubias barteri var. nana "Petite"

Glossostigma elatinoides

Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba”

Hemianthus micranthemoides

Ranunculus inundatus

Hygrophila pinnatifida

Hydrocotyle tripartita

Aegagropila linnaei

Fish & Invertebrates

Hemigrammus rodwayi


World Ranking 0007 Bronze Prize IAPLC 2018


EMS was delivered unexpectedly this year as well. When I received a call from the post office that EMS had been arrived from Japan, I was really happy. To be honest, I did not expect such a good result because I could not spend much time on my work, because of some various circumstances and my health condition. I reached the top rank again following the last year, and I am pleased from my heart that I am recognized by the judges. I thank my family and friends who supported me. I will do my best so that I can receive EMS from Japan next year again.

Comment of Mr. Hajime Ozaki (JAPAN)

This layout has something in common with the 2014 and 2016 Grand Prix winning layouts from the style point of view. However, the frame- work of this layout is wood based while that of the other two was Iwagumi based. The arrangement of abundant aquatic plants creates a gentle and familiar impression and adds a new flavor to the style. The bold composition of the layout is reminiscent of ancient Roman aqueducts. As the magnificent appearance of the formative design was the end result of the aforementioned Grand Prix winning layouts, the formative design of this layout is superb in every aspect in terms of spaciousness, perspective, and height. However, the bold and novel yet orderly and intentional composition looks more like sub- merged Roman aqueducts rather than natural scenery. Aquatic plants have clung to and covered the ancient ruins sunk by an aberrant flood. The ruins became a spacious waterway and a habitat for fishes to live and breed. This is an outstanding aquascape with a bright, cheerful, and optimistic appearance while created primarily with shade plants. The white meandering sand bed looks slightly artificial. Since the aquatic plants are obscuring the artificial composition and filling out the layout with a natural feel, the white sand should have been either left untidy or eliminated. The layout would have been perfect if the slight intentional design was concealed.

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