Dimensions: 120x50x45cm - 270 liters or 71 gallon
Lighting: Chihiros A1201 x2, Chihiros RGB 60
Filtration: Oase BioMaster Thermo 600, Eheim 2217
CO2: Pressurised 3 bps - DIY CO2 reactor (connected on Eheim 2217)
Substrate: Lava gravel, ADA La Plata sand, ADA Aquasoil Amazonia
Hardscape: Red Moorwood, Talawa wood, Seiryu stones, Grey River stones
Flora: Anubias sp. 'Mini Coin', Anubias sp. 'Pangolino', Anubias sp. 'Petite', Bucephalandra sp. 'Rosemary', Bucephalandra sp. 'Mini Needle Leaf', Bucephalandra sp. 'Mini Phantom', Callicostella prabaktiana, Hemianthus glomeratus, Ceratopteris thalictroides, Hottonia palustris, Bolbitis sp. 'Mini' Guinea 2002, Hymenasplenium obscurum, Nymphaea gardneriana 'Santarem', Micranthemum tweediei 'Monte Carlo', Phyllanthus fluitans
Fauna: Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi 'Smoke', Boehlkea fredcochui, Mikrogeophagus altispinosus, Crossocheilus oblongus, Otocinclus affinis, Caridina multidentata, Clithon corona
Fertilization: Bolbi Plantavit complete 3,50ml and Plantavit potassium+ 4ml - daily via Chihiros dosing pump, Bolbi AquaRoot Caps
Water change: 40% once a week (first 3 months twice a week)
Step 1: Ideas
Step 2: Materials
Step 3: Hardscape
Step 4: Planting
Step 5: Final
Judges comments:
Ismael Aguilar (Spain)
Excellent work. I highlight his careful hardscape work with the use of pebbles that do not clash with the vertical structure of the hard, same color and texture. The plantation looks very healthy and alive, although perhaps I would bet that it is not very long-lived. I'm going to have to ask the author for advice on how he manages to have rocks that are as pristine as if they were just installed. To make a point, the right area lacks some shadow areas that break the feeling of a uniform wall. Congratulations on the work.
Selcuk Durmaz (Türkiye)
When I first saw this design, I thought the choice of stone was a very good decision. The foreground and middle plan were so well thought out and the combination with the root afterwards took the work to the next level. The feeling of flow was achieved with sand. The photography was also successful. Congratulations for this good job.
Jaesun Cho (Korea)
This artwork is remarkably tidy and uplifting. The clean gravel might appear overly pristine to some, but it successfully creates a pleasant ambiance. The arrangement and health of the aquatic plants are also excellent.
Tereza Lazar (Ukraine)
This work reminded me of a river bank near my city, where I often like to walk and enjoy nature. It is a very natural composition. It is not often that you can find compositions that use such stones. In my opinion, it is more difficult to create a beautiful work with such a stone, as with dragon stone, for example. It's great! I really want to try to use this stone in one of my works. I also liked the use of nymphaea in the decoration of the aquarium, it added small accents to the work and fits well into the colour scheme of the aquarium, which is complemented by juicy healthy plants and fish that are lined up in a school. All this is in harmony with each other and creates a cosy atmosphere.
Author Antonio Nikolic / bolbiaquarium / Croatia
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