Bernat Hosta Rovira BARCELONA, Spain
IAPLC 2017 rank 111
AGA 2017 | category 120 ~ 200L | 1st Place
Lovely forest layout and great attention to detail. Great job!
— Kam Wong
Very interesting proposal to present one more forest layout. I miss more and assorted plants in the middle ground. Only mosses are too obvious. The reflections are okay and the perspective too, but the foreground could be better. In my opinion, the size of the small rocks could be smaller and if white sand or something like this could be used in first plane, we could have one more layer, more perspective and highlight. Great work, congratulations.
— André Longarco
Fantastic forest scape. There is a lot of detail and the sense of scale is superb.
— Shawn McBride
Dimensions 90 × 42 × 43 cm
Volume 162L
Lighting LED 75W
Filtration FLUVAL 406
Plants Bolbitis heteroclita "difformis"
Mini Bolbitis
Bucephalandra wavy green
Bucephalandra mini needle leaf
Ceratopteris thalichitroides
Criptocoryne parva
Criptocorine lutea “hobbit”
Fissidens Fontinalis
Riccardia chamedryfolia
Christmas moss
Hemianthus callitrichoides
Alternanthera reineckii mini
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi
Materials Brear woods and slate stones
Additional Information This scape emulates a view of a mountain range, named Montseny, located near were I live. Perfect place to enjoy nature !!!
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