One of the most notable changes this year is the transition of the registration process to a dedicated website, This move aims to streamline the registration process, providing a more user-friendly and efficient experience for participants. By centralizing all registration-related information and activities on a single platform, the organizers hope to simplify the application process and enhance communication with contestants.
How to submit
1 - Open website and then click into Submit button
2 - Fill your information
3 - Fill your tank information
4 - Upload your tank images
Furthermore, the contest now requires participants to submit raw files of their entries. Raw files refer to the original, unedited data that was used to create the final submission. This new requirement is designed to ensure transparency and fairness in the judging process. By examining the raw files, the judges can verify the authenticity of the entries and assess the technical skills of the participants.
5 - Click into Upload RAW Images Here
6 - Select right your file and then fill your name & email.
We require the camera original of the main submission photo. This camera original will not be seen by the judges, only used to verify the authenticity of the final image, as needed. All entrants not submitting the camera original are subject to disqualification.
Please upload your original camera RAW file below to complete your registration. Title your file with your name followed by "_2024" (example: JoeScaper_2024). If we can not match the uploaded file to your entry it will not be considered a completed entry.
7 - Click into Submit button when you filled
8 - Success
These changes are designed to make the contest more accessible, transparent, and fun. We can't wait to see your creative aquatic garden designs!
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