- Dimensions: 150 x 60 x 60 cm
- Title : Blessing
- Volume : 540 L
- Background : None
- Lighting : MH 150w x 3, 7-8 hours per day.
- Filtration : Eheim 2217, 3 units.
- Materials : elf collected woods and rocks from the wild. Substrate: ADA Amazonia and River sand. Small decorative twigs used are hard wood which will not decay easily in water.
- Additional Information: Fertilization: KNO3 and Trace Element.
- Plants: 1) Hemianthus Callitrichoides 2) Fantinalis antipyretica 3) Saggitaria sp 4) Bucephalandra sp 5) Anubias Nana 6) Hygrophila pinnatifida 7) Microsorium Pteropus sp. 8) Staurogyne sp 9) Eleocharis Parvula 10)Elatine hydropiper 11)Pogostemon sp Erectus
- Animals : 1) Puntius denisonii 2) Otocinclus sp 3) Caridina Japonica
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