This tank is just so rich in texture it is hard to decide where to look. Hardscape plants and fish choice are all lovely. Fantastic!
— Karen Randall
— Karen Randall
Amazing aquascape driftwood on the sides without moss look beautiful like trees growing out of water.
— Inderjeet Singh Bansal
Amazing hardscape. Your driftwood and rock work are incredible. Your scape is unique. The scale of plants to hardscape for your overall look is extremely well done. Great depth. Great job.
— Drinda Jacobson
A perfect scape! Absolut detailed I can feel your passion what you spend it this tank. Congratulation
— Oliver Knott
- Dimensions: 120 × 45 × 50 cm
- Title : Along side
- Volume : 270L
- Background : white
- Lighting : T5 54W X 4
- Filtration : Eheim 2217 x 2
- Materials : Self-made bottom fertilizer ADA Black Soil ADA Nile Sand
- Plants:
Rotala rotondifolia
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Glossostigma elatinoides
Microsorum sp.
Baby Tear Moss
Vesicularia sp.
Fissidens fontanus
Fantinalis Antipyretica
Riccardia chamedryfolia - Animals :
Paracheirodon simulans
Nannostamus beckfordi
Rasbora borapetensis
Caridina Japonica
Otocinclus sp.