It’s time to help contribute for biggest aquarium gallery online


This tank is just so rich in texture it is hard to decide where to look. Hardscape plants and fish choice are all lovely. Fantastic!
— Karen Randall

Amazing aquascape driftwood on the sides without moss look beautiful like trees growing out of water.
— Inderjeet Singh Bansal

Amazing hardscape. Your driftwood and rock work are incredible. Your scape is unique. The scale of plants to hardscape for your overall look is extremely well done. Great depth. Great job.
— Drinda Jacobson

A perfect scape! Absolut detailed I can feel your passion what you spend it this tank. Congratulation
— Oliver Knott


Alongside - Cliff Hui / HongKong China

Alongside - Cliff Hui / HongKong China

Alongside - Cliff Hui / HongKong China

Alongside - Cliff Hui / HongKong China

Dimensions: 120 × 45 × 50 cm
Title : Along side
Volume : 270L
Background : white
Lighting : T5 54W X 4
Filtration : Eheim 2217 x 2
Materials : Self-made bottom fertilizer ADA Black Soil ADA Nile Sand
Plants: Rotala rotondifolia
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Glossostigma elatinoides
Microsorum sp.
Baby Tear Moss
Vesicularia sp.
Fissidens fontanus
Fantinalis Antipyretica
Riccardia chamedryfolia
Animals : Paracheirodon simulans
Nannostamus beckfordi
Rasbora borapetensis
Caridina Japonica
Otocinclus sp.
Author: Cliff Hui
Cliff Hui

Summer Flowers - Cliff Hui / HongKong China

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - 2014
Cliff Hui

Rain Forest (Hear the Angels) - Cliff Hui / HongKong China

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - 2012
Cliff Hui

Forever - Cliff Hui / HongKong China

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - 2013
Cliff Hui

Primary - Cliff Hui / HongKong China

AGA International Aquascaping Contest - 2010
Cliff Hui

Treasure - Cliff Hui / HongKong China

AGA International Aquascaping Contest - 2009
Cliff Hui

Destiny - Cliff Hui / HongKong China

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - 2008
Cliff Hui

Field of Dreams - Cliff Hui / HongKong China

AGA International Aquascaping Contest - 2007
Cliff Hui

Windy Ocean - Cliff Hui / HongKong China

AGA International Aquascaping Contest - 2017
Masashi Ono

Winning Work IAPLC 2013 - Masashi Ono / Japan

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - 2013
Masashi Ono

Beautiful Autumn - IAPLC 2014 - Masashi Ono / Japan

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - 2014
Masashi Ono

Root under the water - IAPLC 2015 - Masashi Ono / Japan

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - 2015
Masashi Ono

Early Autumn - IAPLC 2016 - Masashi Ono / Japan

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - 2016
Masashi Ono

The garden of Brunei Beauty - IAPLC 2017 - Masashi Ono / Japan

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - 2017
Masashi Ono

Fine Works IAPLC 2018 - Masashi Ono / Japan

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - 2018
Masashi Ono

Winning Works IAPLC 2019 - Masashi Ono / Japan

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - 2019
Masashi Ono

Fine Works IAPLC 2020 - Masashi Ono / Japan

The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - 2020