Roots of marriage expresses the fusion of the elements found in the flooded Amazon jungle. In turn, the title is a tribute to my wife, the fusion of our lives. -- Juan Puchades / Spain
Great job super powerful. Very good choice of plants and right mixed . Not only mosses like the majority of the "forest" layouts. Maybe the woods in the middle of the path are not necessary. Also the clearer wood at the right side could be changed. I liked it!
— André Longarco
- Dimensions: 120 × 60 × 50 cm
- Title : Roots of marriage
- Volume : 360L
- Background : white
- Lighting : 2 x ADA Solar I hqi 150w ADA green
- Filtration : ADA Super Jet filter ES-2400
- Materials : ADA aquasoil amazonia, ADA Power Sand M Rocks: Pagoda stone & Seiryu stone Woods: Branches from a local tree imported from Vietnam & Red Moor.
- Additional Information: CO2 - 3 bubbles per second. Pollen glass diffuser 50 mm
- Plants: Cryptocoryne pygmaea Cryptocoryne petchii Micranthemum “Monte Carlo” Hemianthus callitrichoides Bucephalandra sp. Bolbitis heteroclita difformis Vallisneria nana Eleocharis parvula Eleocharis vivipara Eleocharis acicularis Echinodorus tenellus Glossostigma elatinoides Staurogyne repens Taxiphyllum barbieri Taxiphyllum var. flame moss Fissidens nobilis Fissidens fontanus Vesicularia ferriei Mini weeping moss Vietnam
- Animals : Trichopsis pumila (6) Paracheirodon simulans (40) Paracheirodon axelrodi (8) Axelrodia riesei (20) Caridina Multidentata (25)