I can see great "waves" in this driftwood composition. A lot of movement and fluidity but I miss more plants. I think the skyline could be less polluted with less information to give more importance to the "waves". The first plan could have more details in small scale. One great conceptual job.
— André Longarço
- Dimensions: 180 × 60 × 60 cm
- Title : Frenzy Wave
- Volume : 648L
- Background : nothing
- Lighting : T5HO 24 Watt x 8 (10hrs daily), MH 150 Watt x 2 (4hrs daily)
- Filtration : Canister Filter (1000L/hr) X 3 Biological Ceramic Rings, Filter Foams
- Materials : ADA Amazonia, Power Sand Special, Bacter 100 Clear Super, Tourmaline BC
- Additional Information: ADA Step3, ADA Brighty K, ADA Shade Plant
- Plants: Aegagropila linnaei Bolbitis heudelotii Bucephalandra sp. Cryptocoryne parva Eleocharis acicularis Fissidens sp. Hemianthus callitrichoides Marsilea hirsuta Micranthemun sp. “Monte Carlo” Microsorum pteropus “Trident” Riccardia graeffei Rotala sp. Utricularia graminifolia Vesicularia ferriei
- Animals : Paracheirodon simulans Otocinclus affinis