The layout is a nice "Nature aquarium" style, everything is fine, except the driftwood pointing to the left side glass. Keep pushing, good job!
— Luca Galarraga
A piece of art, congratulation.
— Oliver Knott
- Dimensions: 90 x 45 x 45 cm
- Title : Eternity
- Volume : 182 L
- Background : None
- Lighting : T5HO 36w x 4, 10 hours/day
- Filtration : Eheim 2217 + Eheim 2215
- Materials : Drift wood, black river rock, river sand.
- Additional Information: EI with KNO3 + Seachem Trace.
- Plants: 1. Fissidens Fontanus 2. Rotala sp Goais 3. Taxiphyllum sp. 4. Microsorum Pteropus 5. Vallisneria sp 6. Eleocharis Parvula
- Animals : 1. Hyphessobrycon Amandae 2. Otocinclus Affinis 3. Caridina sp Malayan