Very creative bundling of the wood -- I absolutely see the two dragons! Even with the dragon gimmick the wood and rock are well placed and you did a good job trimming the moss on it.
— Kris Weinhold
IAPLC - International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2012 - Winning Work - World Ranking 047
- Dimensions: 200 × 66 × 66 cm
- Title : Dragon Duel
- Volume : 870L
- Background : nothing
- Lighting : T5HO 24 Watt X 16 (8hrs daily)
- Filtration : Canister Filter (1200L/hr) X 4 Biological Ceramic Rings, Filter Foams
- Additional Information: ADA Amazonia, Power Sand Special, Penac W, Clear Super, Bacter100
- Plants: Taxiphyllum barbieri Vesicularia ferriei Vesicularia dubyana Microsorium pteropus (narrow) Nymphaea sp. Eleocharis acicularis Eleocharis parvula Hydrocotyle tripartita Bolbitis heudelotii Riccia fluitans
- Animals : Rasbora trilineata Otocinclus sp