Excellent perspective and use of plants.
The negative point is the use of brown sand; grey or white sand will fit better with the stones.
— Luca Galarraga
It appears the ferns must be growing emersed also? I like the layout. Some small stones to incorporate the foreground plants would have been a nice addition.
— Mike Senske
- Dimensions: 60 x 30 x 30 cm
- Title : Blessing
- Volume : 54 L
- Background : None
- Lighting : T5H0 36w x 4, 8 hours per day
- Filtration : Eheim 2217
- Materials : 1) ADA Amazonia 2) Seiryu rock 3) River sand
- Plants: 1)Microsorium Pteropus sp. 2)Vesicularia Dubyana 3)Riccardia Chamedryfolia 4)Saggitaria sp mini 5)Hydrocotyle sp 6)Fissidens Japonicus
- Animals : 1) Rasbora Espei x 30 2) Otocinclus Affinis x 5 3) Caridina sp Malayan x 30