It’s time to help contribute for biggest aquarium gallery online


The world ranking 7th went to Mr. Yong Liu from China for his work, "Mysterious World". This year, the four layouts in the top seven were from China, resulting in showing us breakthrough improvements of Chinese applicants. It was comparatively acclaimed by judges: Mr. Friedrich Bitter from Germany and Mr. Philippe Chevoleau from France. The signature driftwood that grows winding thin branches suits the representation of wide aquascape, and the layout is taking advantage of its tank size, W180xD60xH60 (cm). This style of layout is very popular among entries from China probably because of the locally available layout materials. It is one of the interesting tendency we can see in the world scale contest how the methods and materials used reflect national characteristics. Each area around the world has some signature layout materials, and we are very much looking forward to seeing more of the latest and diverse styles and interpretations to be produced with them in the future.

IAPLC 2015 Gallery - Look back history - World Ranking 0007 - Bronze Prize

A Hunting Ground

Author: Yong Liu / China

Aquarium Size/W180×D60×H60 (cm)

Aquatic Plants

Anubias barteri var. nana "Mini"

Bucephalandra sp.

Vesicularia filicinum

Riccardia chamedryfolia

Phoenix Moss

Riccia sp. "Dwarf"

Aegagropila linnaei

Fish & Invertebrates

Paracheirodon simulans

Nannostomus mortenthaleri

Neocaridina denticulate

Carinotetraodon travancoricus


World Ranking 0006 Bronze Prize IAPLC 2015

3rd Place AGA 2015 - Aquatic Garden > 320L 


Since I submitted my layout to IAPLC, I waited for the result announcement every day with anxiety. I got very worried as I heard that my friends had received good results. However, honestly speaking, I was more confident in my layout created for this year's contest compared to the one for last year. I put all my energy and efforts into creating this layout, so I believed that I would have a better result. On the other hand, I felt very insecure because it took long time for the mail to reach me. Finally I received the mail informing the result and found myself to be the seventh in the world ranking. It is still far apart from my ideal result, but I am very happy as I could break my best record and won the Bronze Prize. I will do my best and try again next year.

Creative and impactant layout!
The deep sense is very strong and overall impression is panoramic view!
The negative point is the long term maintenance.
Congratulations in my TOP5!
— Luca Galarraga

This is an amazing layout with a special rock-driftwood arrangement. It can impress any viewers for many times.
— Long Tran Hoang

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  • [TheStoriesOfTop7] Undying - Steven Chong / United States - IAPLC 2020

    The Gold prize winning work presents a remarkable driftwood composition. The depth that goes beyond the size of this aquarium is created by expanding the central open space towards the far right side, along with the drastically arranged driftwood. In addition, a mirror embedded in the substrate gives an interesting visual effect; it looks as if a river is running in the aquascape, or the driftwood is floating in the air, depending on the viewer's viewpoint. The visual impact is enhanced by the skinny branches placed behind the large driftwood that makes up the framework of the composition, and the subtle and low-key planting of epiphytes
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  • [TheStoriesOfTop7] Fallowness - Siak Wee Yeo / Malaysia - IAPLC 2019

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  • [TheStoriesOfTop7] Yururi (relaxing) - Hironori Handa / Japan - IAPLC 2018

    This year's IAPLC Grand Prix goes to an authentic Nature Aquarium style layout. Among the reasons for this work's success is the creator's high aspiration in the layout style, that is built upon the basics of a planted layout. Bringing out the beauty of plant clusters through plant arrangement is the key principle, or basics of planted layout. This layout showcases healthy and beautiful clusters of both sun-loving plants, such as stem plants, and shade plants, such as Cryptocoryne. The composition is in the classic triangular form. The creator achieved a very powerful, and persuasive aquascape, that goes beyond aquascapes of eccentric compositions, by perfecting the compositional balance and the arrangement of aquatic plants. This is a stately planted layout with the spirit of Takashi Amano, founder of Nature Aquarium